The EuroMed Research Business has organized in collaboration with the University of Salento the first specialised conference on Contemporary Trends and Perspectives in Wine and Agrifood Management. The conference took place in Lecce, Italy during the 16th and 17th of January 2015.
The conference provided a unique forum and facilitated the exchange of cutting-edge information on examining and building new theory and business models in the areas of wine and agrifood management. It gave the opportunity to over 60 academics, researchers and practitioners alike to interact, share knowledge and know-how and increase synergies concerning the contemporary trends and developments of the wine and agro food industry.
The conference was under the auspices of the Mayor of the City of Lecce and the Department of Agricultural Development of the Apulia Region. It was organised with the patronage of the Italian Academy of Management and the Italian Academy of Marketing.
Many people and organizations are responsible for the successful outcome of the 7th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business. Special thanks go to the Conference Co-Chairs Prof. Amedeo Maizza and Dr Matteo Rossi, the Conference Organising Committee and the University of Salento, in Italy, for accomplishing an excellent job.