EMAB 18th. Conference

EMAB 18th. Conference

September 10th-12th, 2025

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EMAB 18th. Conference

EMAB 18th. Conference

September 10th-12th, 2025

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The EuroMed Research Business Institute aims to create and disseminate business knowledge by research, teaching, training, and consulting to researchers, universities, and businesses (private and public), governments and other organizations and students, especially in the Mediterranean and European region.

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Research Groups

he European-Mediterranean region has experienced rapid market environmental changes over recent years.The challenges and threats to academics, practitioners, researchers and governments of the region often have distinct differences to those experienced in other geographic areas in the world.

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The EuroMed Research Centre (EMRC) aims to create and disseminate business related knowledge through research, training, and consulting both for the private and public sector, addressing the needs of both academics and practitioners in the EuroMed (European and Mediterranean) region.

Research Committees


Dr Evangelos Tsoukatos
Dr. Hela Chebbi
Professor Alkis Thrassou
Prof. Bernard Paranque
Associate Professor  Helena Desivilya
Dr. Sandra Cohen
Associate Professor Antonio Galati
Riad Shams


"EMRBI conferences are always inspiring"

Dr Evangelos Tsoukatos

Country Director (France) for the EuroMed Research Business Institute

Dr. Hela Chebbi is a Professor of Strategic Management at EDC-Paris Business School and the Director of the Observatory and Research Center in Entrepreneurship. Following her Masters degree in International Management, she obtained her PhD in Management at IAE-Lyon III University. Dr. Chebbi’s research interests rest within Innovation/Corporate Entrepreneurship and Transnational Management, areas in which she has widely consulted, researched and published in numerous refereed journals. She lectures on Strategic Management, Research Methodology and Business Planning.

Dr. Hela Chebbi

Multinational Enterprises and Corporate Governance Group Member

I have had the privilege of being a part of EMRBI since its founding day, and I have witnessed its growing value to academia and the business world throughout the region. EMRBI is a source, a conduit and a cradle of knowledge, with substantial offerings to academics and professionals alike

Professor Alkis Thrassou

RIC Chair: Ethics and Social Responsibility Group

"Since I have welcomed the 1st EMRBI Conference in 2008 in Marseille I have a great pleasure to see its development and contribution to the academic and professional fields. I have joined if just before and I am pleased to contribute to its reputation. It is of great importance to have a dynamic network dedicated, but not only, to Mediterranean development and growth to share worldwide experiences and results”

Prof. Bernard Paranque

Ethics and Social Responsibility Group Meember

"The question is again before us today as we confront an economic and political integration on the scale of the planet: shall we be, intimately and subjectively, able to live with the others, to live as others, without ostracism but also without leveling? The modification in the status of foreigners that is imperative today leads one to reflect on our ability to accept new modalities of otherness…" (Kristeva 1991: 1-2).

Associate Professor Helena Desivilya

RIC co. Chair: Accounting and Finance Group

"ΕΜRBI is a stimulating, attractive and interdisciplinary research community with friendly, supportive and interesting people. An ideal academic group for collaboration, doing research, publications and networking. Attending a yearly conference is enough to become a loyal member!"

Dr. Sandra Cohen

RIC co. Chair: Agribusiness Group

Since my first EMRBI experience at its 4th Annual Conference in Elounda, Crete, I have grown to respect EMRBI for providing a high-profile exchange of scientific views; for engulfing numerous and significant academics from all over the world; for facilitating scholarly partnerships and research collaborations; for sharing high academic and human values; and for doing it all in a family and welcoming spirit.

Associate Professor Antonio Galati

RIC co. Chair: Human Resource Management Group

In terms of academic collaboration, my EMRBI experience is brilliant.

Riad Shams

Annual Conference Picture Gallery