Yari Vecchio

Position: PhD Student
Affiliation: Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, University of Bologna
Address: Via Tolara di Sopra, 50 – Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO)
City: Bologna
Country: Italy
Zip Code/ Postal: 40064
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 3290623016
Cell phone:  
Skype:  yariv14
Internet site: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/yari.vecchio
Research interests: Agricultural economics; Innovation adoption; Food policy
Yari Vecchio is Phd Student in “Innovative technologies and sustainable use of Mediterranean fishery and biological resources (FishMed-PhD)”. He was a research fellow on the Horizon Project ‘PerformFish’ and on a Mipaaf project at the University of Bologna. He has worked on collaboration contracts with the University of Cassino for the project “Ex-ante evaluation of the financial instruments of the National Fisheries Plan “. He has collaborated with journals on special issues and organised a special track at an international conference. He is responsible for a task on the Italian project ‘Sustainable regeneration of agriculture in territories affected by Xilella fastidiosa’. Ha partecipato alla redazione di diversi progetti nazionali e internazionali, tra cui diversi vinti come il progetto MED-LINKS, programma PRIMA MED, e il LIFE MUSCLES. He has worked as a member of the technical assistance for the agricultural departments of the Apulia and Sardinia regions. He also collaborates with Coldiretti, INIPA, CIHEAM and Nomisma for research activities.