Doctoral Seminars
The EuroMed Academy of Business announces three Doctoral Seminars that will take place preceding the EuroMed 2015 Annual Conference. These will be held on September 15th-16th, Verona, Italy.
All participants in the Doctoral seminar are eligible for the EMAB Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal and will be exempted from the conference registration fees. The Institute offers a limited number of Scholarships of up to Euro 600 each.
Presented papers and abstracts will be published in ISI Thompson Reuters accredited conference proceedings. The deadline for sending a paper to the Doctoral Workshop is the 15th July 2013.
1. Doctoral Seminar on M&A
The seminar will provide a unique opportunity for doctoral students to further develop their research ideas, learn about the challenges of conducting M&A research and building a successful academic career in this field, and broaden their professional networks. The format of the Seminar will facilitate a constructive and supportive discussion among doctoral students and participating faculty on topics of broad interest such as new trends in conducting high-impact M&A research, managing the dissertation stage and the job search process, and successful entry into the academic career. In addition, students will receive concrete feedback on their individual current research projects as well as ideas and guidance for their future research agenda.
For more details, please visit EMRBI website or email Prof. Yaakov Weber [email protected] or Dr. Shlomo Tarba [email protected]
2. Doctoral Seminar on Management
The seminar will provide Doctoral students, from all areas of Management Science, with the opportunity to debate their research between their peers and a panel of distinguished research faculty.
The seminar is designed to facilitate productive discussions on a wide range of topics such as new research streams in Management research, doctoral research implementation strategies, methodological issues, successfully entering academia etc. All research projects that will be presented will receive concrete feedback as well as proposals and advice on their upcoming research scheme.
For more details, please visit the conference website or email Dr Evangelos Tsoukatos [email protected]
3. Doctoral Seminar on Marketing
The Seminar relates to all facets of Marketing Science (i.e. Strategic Marketing- i.e. Growth and Competitive Strategies, Branding, Corporate and Behavioral Branding; Relationship Marketing; E-Marketing), International Marketing, Marketing Communications, Consumer Behavior and Consumerism, Social/Societal Marketing. Doctoral students will have the opportunity to get individual and detailed feedback on all stages of the PhD/DBA journey, presentations held as well as on intended future publications from peers, distinguished faculty and editors in an interactive and stimulating ambience cross-fertilizing ideas for future research and/or possible collaboration, networking and career development.
For more details, please, visit the conference website or email Prof. Demetris Vrontis ([email protected]) or Dr. Hans Ruediger Kaufmann ([email protected]).
4. Participation fee
The participation full (see scholarship below) fee is 1200 Euro. This fee includes participation to the seminar, the documents, and refreshment during the seminar.
Cancellations made before September 1, will be reimbursed with 10% deduction of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after this date.
Abstracts/papers that are submitted by participants for the Doctoral Seminar will be considered for presentation at the conference that follow the DoctoralSeminar. Accepted abstracts/papers will be published in the book of proceedings and papers will be considered for publication at the EMJB. Participants in the seminar, with or without papers/abstracts, will be able to participate in the conference without any additional registration fees. However, participants will pay the minimum variable costs such as for Gala dinner, lunches, coffee breaks, etc.
5. EMRBI scholarships
The institute offers a limited number of scholarships up to 600 Euro each. Doctoral students should include a letter of recommendation of his/her local faculty supporting the application.
6. Applications
Interested candidates (doctoral students, junior faculty, practitioners, consultants, and others) should submit their abstract or paper. In order to create a stimulating environment and better connections, the number of participants will be limited to 25. The selection will be based on the following documents which should be attached to each application:
- Curriculum vitae;
- Short description (an abstract – up to 5 pages) of his/her research interest. If doctoral topic has already been decided, indicate the general objectives, stage and progress of the theses.
7. EMAB Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
All participants in the Doctoral seminar are eligible for the EMAB Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation or Dissertation Proposal. There is no separate application process for this award. All completed applications to the Consortium are automatically entered into the competition. The selection is based on the submitted dissertation proposal abstracts. The criteria used in evaluating the abstracts include: (a) originality and theoretical foundations of the work; (b) rigor and soundness of the proposed methodology; and (c) potential contribution and impact of the proposed work to advancing the field.
Doctoral Seminar on M&A
- to provide an overview of state-of-the-art approaches to studying domestic and international mergers and acquisitions
- to discuss various theoretical and methodological challenges
- to present and discuss various future trends, issues and perspectives on the M&A phenomena, such as strategic, economic/finance, human behavior, organizational and international cultural and others as well as the relationships between these research streams.
The faculty and advisory board members of this seminar have an extensive publication record, have published books and articles in leading journals, such as Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Management Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Human Relations, and have experience in conducting and consulting to domestic and international M&As. They were, and currently are, Guest Editors of special issues on M&As in several leading journals as well as Handbook on M&A research and have won teaching and research awards and have substantial experience supervising doctoral students.
Prof. Guenter Stahl, INSEAD and Wein University
Prof. Yaakov Weber, College of Management, Israel
Dr. Shlomo Tarba
Haim Ben-Yemini, former corporate VP, and currently is consulting to CEO of, Teva Ltd. (World largest generic pharmaceutical company).
Advisory Board
Prof. Sim Sitkin, Duke University
Prof. David Schweiger, University of South Carolina
Prof. Demetris Vrontis, University of Nicosia (Editor)
Prof. Rudiger Kaufmann, University of Nicosia.
The seminar will focus on the following subjects and issues:
- Success and failure factors in Mergers and Acquisitions: Three different perspectives: Economic/finance, Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior.
- What insights can perspectives from strategy, organizational behavior, international management, psychology, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines provide to our understanding of the nature, antecedents, processes and performance of M&A.
- How can various theories such as Learning theory, Resource-based-view, Knowledge Transfer, and cross-cultural management explain process and effects in M&A.
- Theory development and methodological issues for various variables such as planning, strategic goals and choices, national and corporate cultural differences, due diligence, synergy potential, screening, evaluation, methods of payment, and other M&A issues and characteristics of the pre-merger process.
- Theory development and methodological issues for various variables such as integration approaches, transition management structure, cultural conflict and integration, knowledge transfer, leadership, human resources practices, communication, autonomy, synergy exploitation, speed, control and evaluation, and other post-merger integration issues.
- Linkage between pre and post merger variables
- Linkage between macro and micro level variables
- Relationship between practice and theories and theoretical and methodological implications, and multidisciplinary approach for the study of M&A.
- Future trends and implications for journal publications.
The seminar will include presentations, discussions, simulations, case studies, and more. Reading materials that also include recent publications by the faculty of the seminar (theoretical, methodological, consulting papers, such as from Organization Science , Journal of International Business Studies, Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Best Paper Proceedings of Academy of Management , etc. will be distributed and discussed.
The seminar will provide a unique opportunity for doctoral students to further develop their research ideas, to learn about the challenges of conducting M&A research and building a successful academic career in this field, and to broaden their professional networks. The format of the Consortium will facilitate a constructive and supportive discussion among the doctoral students and the participating faculty on topics of broad interest such as new trends in conducting high-impact M&A research, managing the dissertation stage and the job search process, and successful entry into the academic career. In addition, students will receive concrete feedback on their individual current research projects as well as ideas and guidance for their future research agenda.