AISCRIS is an Employer’s Association belonging to CONFINDUSTRIA SERVIZI INNOVATIVI E TECNOLOGICI (Federation of Innovative and Technological services). The purpose of AISCRIS is to represent, assist and defend the interests of the sector on a national and international level. AISCRIS, also support the development of international cooperation through initiatives and discussions.The association collaborates, all over Italy, with network of employer’s association and especially with the branches of services sector of provincial association under the coordination of CNCT (Comitato Nazionale di Coordinamento Territoriale-National Committee for Area Coordination) of Confindustria.

The University Consortium for Industrial and Managerial Economics (CUEIM- http://www.cueim.org) is a multipolar organization in a network of 25 universities and private organizations aimed at knowledge development and diffusion to improve governance process in socio-economic and environmental complex contexts. Its areas of activity focus on Green Energy and renewable energy sources, Economic and Social Sciences and Training.

The Cyprus Human Resource Management Association (CyHRMA) was founded in 1991, its main purpose being the study, research and training in the human resource management and development sector. The main principles of the Association’s policy are the continuous development of the sector, communication between its members and the biggest possible participation of its members in the planning and operation of the association, through the Working Committees and the Board of Directors.

EHI is a scientific institue of the retail industry.the 500 members of EHI include international retail companies and their associations, manufacturers of consumer goods and capital goods,and various service providers,

Founded un 1967 as an offshoot of the University of Bradford, Emerald Group Publishing has become the world’s leading scholarly publisher of journals and books in business and management. Emerald is publishing at the moment over 190 scientific journals.

Euro-Med TDS, with its 26 members, namely National Confederations of Entrepreneurs and National Union of Chambers of Commerce of all the countries bordering the Mediterranean, establishes common lines of actions to facilitate and create opportunities in the regional business community. In order to improve the business dialogue in the Mediterranean, it develops projects and actions to overcome barriers to the free flow of goods and services and to promote the economic development of the area.

ExpoGlobalOnline.com is an innovative new business resource that leverages the power and reach of the Internet to deliver a simple, cost-effective information and virtual exhibition solution to the international community coupled with a worldwide B2B directory that offers a wealth of information not available anywhere else.
visit Expoglobalonline website

Henry Stewart Talks publishes animated audio visual presentations by world leading experts – advanced content in a user friendly format. Topics covered: advertising, branding, management, marketing, finance and transnational crime. Every talk has been specially commissioned with informative visuals and synchronized narration. Talks are streamed online allowing you to experience world class presentations wherever you want and as often as you want.
visit HST website

MTN Cyprus succeeded in being established as a reliable and modern telecommunications provider offering pioneering solutions for personal and business communication purposes. It launched its commercial operations in Cyprus in July 2004 as Areeba. MTN became the new brand name of Areeba in 2007, following an acquisition by MTN Group, a multinational telecommunications company which operates in 21 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, with over 100 million subscribers
visit MTN website

The Italian Society of Management (SIMA) is the Scientific Society of the Italian academic faculty and scholars in the field of Management. It was established in 2013 and it currently comprises approximately 500 members. SIMA aims to operate and grow within academia, and to represent and protect the management discipline in its institutional environment, as well as in the economic and social ones. SIMA promotes, supports and facilitates the transfer of entrepreneurial and managerial culture in the wider society.
visit the Italian Society of Management site
The EuroMed Research Business Institute (EU) is proud to announce a Scientific Partnership in “Wine Business” with the University of Salerno (Italy), in order to develop research projects, consulting opportunities and specific courses targeting the international wine industry in the areas of Wine Management, Marketing and Finance.