Dr. Panagiota Sapouna

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Research interests: Mergers & Acquisitions
My research interests revolve around strategic management (e.g. mergers and acquisitions
(M&As),competitive strategies) and international business (e.g. international strategies and policies). My engagement and commitment to research has already resulted in a number of journal publications and conference presentations. More specifically,I have co-authored a paper which was published in 2011 in the International Journal of Human Resource Management,and I have presented eleven papers in various international world-leading conferences including the annual Academy of International Business Conference (AIB) and the annual European International Business Academy Conference (EIBA). Currently I am working on papers from my PhD thesis and other related research projects which will soon be submitted for consideration in top tier international business and strategy journals. With respect to my consulting experience I have participated in several research projects funded by private and public sector organizations,which has given me the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the fields of my interests.

Dr. Panagiota Sapouna