Please read our Fellowship Award Criteria
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TitleName SurnameAffilliationNotes
Senior Fellows (SF-EMAB)
1Prof.StamatisAGGELOPOULOSInternational Hellenic University[email protected]
2Prof.Stefano BRESCIANIDipartimento di Management Università degli Studi di Torino. Italy[email protected]
4Prof.SibylleHEILBRUNNKinneret College on the Sea of Galilee[email protected]
5Prof.RudiKAUFMANNUniversity of Applied Management Studies Mannheim[email protected]
6Prof.PeterSTOKESUniversity of Chester Business School[email protected]
7DrShlomoTARBAThe University of Sheffield, UK[email protected]
8Prof.AlkisTHRASSOUUniversity of Nicosia, Cyprus[email protected]
9DrEvangelosTSOUKATOSHellenic Mediterranean University, Greece[email protected]
10Prof.Demetris VRONTISUniversity of Nicosia, Cyprus[email protected]
11Prof.YaakovWEBERCollege of Management[email protected]
Fellows (F-EMAB)
12DrGabrieleBAIMADepartment of Management, University of Turin [email protected]
13DrEnricoBATTISTIUniversity of Turin - Department of Management[email protected]; [email protected]
14DrTobiasENDRESSAIT School of Management | Asian Institute of Technology [email protected]
15DrAlbertoFERRARIS Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy[email protected]
16DrAntonino GALATIDepartment Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
University of Palermo - Agrarian Faculty
[email protected]
17Prof.GiovannaGAVANADepartment of Economics, University of Insubria[email protected]
18Prof.PiermicheleLA SALADepartment of Economics, University of Foggia[email protected]
19DrYioulaMELANTHIOUUniversity of Nicosia, Cyprus[email protected]
20Prof.Anna MariaMOISELLOUniversity of Pavia[email protected]
21DrGeorgia SAKKAUNICAF University[email protected]
22Prof.GabrieleSANTORODepartment of Management - University of Turin[email protected]
23DrAndrewSCHEINNetanya Academic College[email protected]
24DrS M Riad SHAMSUral Federal University, Russia[email protected]
25DrGeorgeYIAPANASUniversity of Nicosia[email protected]
Associate Fellows (AF-EMAB)
26DrYannisAIKATERINIDISTEI of Crete, Greece[email protected]
27DrAugustoBARGONIDepartment of Management- University of Turin[email protected]
28Prof.Maria TeresaBIANCHILa Sapienza University of Rome[email protected]
29Prof.IacopoCAVALLINIDepartment of Economics and Management, University of Pisa[email protected]
30Prof.ChiaraCIVERAUniversity of Turin, Department of Management [email protected]
31Prof.CanioFORLIANO University of Turin [email protected]
32Prof.Guido GIOVANDO University of Turin - Department of Management[email protected]
33DrNicolaMIGLIETTA University of Torino - Department of Management[email protected]
34Prof.FilippoMONGEUniversity of Turin[email protected]
35Prof.DarioPALMUCCI University of Turin [email protected]
36DrUrsulaSCHINZEL Université du Luxembourg[email protected]
37DrHenningTIRREL University of Nicosia, Cyprus[email protected]
38MrYariVECCHIOAlma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna - Departmente of Veterinary Medical Science[email protected]
Student Members (SM-EMAB)
39MsAthanasiaKOUROUPI University of Thessaly[email protected]