“Feeling Younger by getting Older”
The Euro-Med Research Business Institute and the EuroMed Research Centre are proud to announce the approval of EU project “Feeling younger by getting older”, which will be funded under Grundtvig,a sub-programme of the Lifelong Learning Programme.
The project consortium is composed of 18 partners located in Italy, Malta, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Finland, Slovakia, Spain, the Czech Republic, Austria, Romania, Poland, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Norway, Cyprus and Bulgaria. The diversification of partners trully adds to the European and cross-cultural dimension of the project idea.
The project’s objectives are to promote the creation of a culture of active ageing as a lifelong process to ensure that the rapidly-growing population comprised of people who are currently in their late 50s and over have good opportunities for employment and active participation in social and family life and to involve young generations in these activities.
The above will be carried out via different activities such as:
– Research and collection of good practices about the above mentioned topics
– Meetings among the partners, and all the subjects involved in the project’s field
– Creation of some elder-friendly guidelines to approach internet resources
– Creation of an internet platform about the shared experiences.
Please read our latest PRESS RELEASE and NEWSLETTER regarding the project